Thursday, January 15, 2009

Field Report from the ABDC Tapings: Shane Sparks, Randy Jackson, Mario Lopez, Layla Kayleigh

Field reporter  attended the tapings for the first episode of America's Best Dance Crew Season 3. Today, we're posting her interviews with judges and hosts. Later this week, we'll run her crew interviews (with some scoops I haven't seen elsewhere).  "At the taping for Week 1, I got my chance to speak with our favorite ABDC regulars. Sitting down with world renowned choreographer Shane Sparks, I asked him about the guest judge, Kid Rainen. He replied, "I'm so happy that he's on the panel. It's given a whole different perspective, and he's basically my right hand man now. He's gonna say a lot of things that I don't know about, and I'm gonna say things that he doesn't know about, and we're gonna complement each other. AT rehearsal this morning,he was saying stuff and I was like 'Good point, Great point.' "

Click here for interviews and photos with Mario Lopez, Layla Kayleigh, and Randy Jackson. And come back later this week for crew interviews and my podcast with the crew that was eliminated this week.