- Beat Freaks: Teresa and Shorty, Rino, Lindsey with Shaun Evaristo, Lindsey by herself,
- Boxcuttuhz: Lydia, Lando,
- Fanny Pak: Glenda,
- Kaba Modern Legacy: April,
- Phresh Select: Smart Mark and Virgil,
- Quest: Hok, Hok and Dtrix, Dtrix
- Multiple Crews: Lando (Boxcuttuhz)interviewed by Lindsey (Beat Freaks),Lindsey (Beat Freaks) and Victor Kim (Quest),Lando interviewed by Beat Freak Lindsey
- Other dance notables: Twitch, Shaun Evaristo, Mari (Choreo Cookies), Lizzy Richardson, Instant Noodles, KM Founder Arnel Calvario and Glenda (Fanny Pak) and Kool Raul (Supreme Soul), Arnel and Glenda Part 2, Arnel and Glenda Part 3
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
ABDC Alum Interviews Galore at Urban Street Jam: Fanny Pak, Beat Freaks, Quest, Boxcuttuhz, KM Legacy ++
Do you miss hearing from your favorite crew members? Wonder what they're up to? Pacific Rim struck the mother lode at Urban Street Jam on February 20, 2010. Chris Trondsen and Angelica Alumia conducted interviews with members of
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