Friday, August 27, 2010

DirtfaceX at JabbaWockeeZ' MUS.I.C. - the show, meeting the guys & 'will there be a MUS.I.C. tour'?

Reader DirtfaceX left this comment about his experience attending JabbaWockeeZ' MUS.I.C show in Las Vegas, and I wanted to make sure the rest of you read it: "I just got off the plane from my "One Night in Vegas". I wentyesterday to see the "last" Jabba show in Vegas... BEAUTIFULshow....the Coldplay partwas beautiful...... my only criticism isn't even about the show,but I thought that that crowd was kinda weak. I was seemed that I was the only one goin' "WHOO!!!!!" every twoseconds. And altho I didn't pay for $150 for the Meet n Greetsession, I was able to ninja my way in there and meet theguys. They were all mad cool. I asked them if they'regonna do any more shows and they said that they'll prolly doanother 'leg' in Vegas. Afterwards I spoke with a personfrom their staff and I told 'em "you guys should really go ontour with this like the 'Groovaloos' did". And altho heliked my suggestion  it's probably not going to happen......".
Thanks, DirtfaceX for the report!