Wednesday, June 30, 2010

ABDC Blowup Contest Week 10 -- Enter now!

The end is here! Round 10 of our ABDC Blowup Contest is ready and waiting for you. We found a highlight in the archives for America's Best Dance Crew and blew it up. The challenge: Name that crew and email your answer to This contest is created by "The 4th ABDC Judge".  This is the final week of the contest.  Here's the official rules and info on the prize. This week's entries must be received by midnight on Monday July 5.

Here's the newgray-scaled image. This week's clue words - "Turning carrousel".  Read the tie-breaker rules below if you want some ideas on how to solve this. Good luck!

TIE BREAKER: We will probably need a tie-breaker to choose the contest winner. Here's the challenge: write a clever and solvable clue for the name of an ABDC crew. It can be any crew, whether or not they've already appeared in the contest. Use whatever for cluing as long as it's publicly available; the clue could be based on trivia, foreign languages, puns or wordplay, hexadecimal codes, whatever! If you're interested in trying some cryptic clues, here's a beginner's guide. "The 4th ABDC Judge" and I will pick a winner from the entries (possibly with outside consultations if we can't agree).  So, if you want to win, send us: 1. the answer to the Week 10 challenge, 2. your own clue for an ABDC crew name, and 3. the answer for your clue!