The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers (LXD) will premiere on July 7, 2010. The story of The LXD unfolds in three initial volumes, starting with Volume One: “The Uprising Begins” which chronicles the journey of seemingly ordinary people who discover they have extraordinary powers and must choose their place in an epic war between good and evil. I've watched advance releases for three of the stories in Volume One. The dancing is amazing (of course), and some stories manage to capture the excitement and feel of a great comic book.
Over the next week, I hope to conduct podcast interviews with one or more of the LXD stars. I welcome your input for these interviews. So, please leave some suggested questions in the comments below. As always, if I use your question I will mention your name during the podcast.
And stay tuned for more LXD news. This show can definitely make your summer!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
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